
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Powerful Prayer points that can set you free.

Before I put down these Prayer point that can move a mountain, I need my readers all over the world to understand one thing, it might be obtainable in some societies and in some, it might sound so funny. But if you are living in the dark world, mainly in Africa. I want you to take this prayer point seriously because it works. say them one by one.

1: Oh God whoever that is hijacking and delaying my money and my properties, ur time is up Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

2: Oh God let the grace and mercy that is working for the higher mountain of mercy start to work for my life and my business in Jesus Christ name amen.

3: Whosoever that tied my hands and my legs, from this moment back to the sender in Jesus Christ name amen. From now I am free and I must achieve all my goals in Jesus Christ name amen.

4: Every enemy of my destiny, fighting against my life and destiny, ur time is up, loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen

5: Every satanic gathering assigned to pull me down, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

6: Every spirit that is holding my blessing in the spiritual realm, what are u waiting for release my blessing now in Jesus Christ name amen.

7: Every household enemy fighting against my life and my business, ur time is up, Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

8: Every monitoring mirror and monitoring spirit, monitoring against my business and my life ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

9: Every evil uncles and brothers fighting against my glory, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

10: Every spirit of delay, set back and disappointment in my life and In my business ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

11: Every family foundation fighting against my life and my business ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

12: Every evil arrow shot against my life ur time is up. Back to the sender in Jesus Chris name amen.

13: Anything that will make me to have any kind of problem , I cancelled it now in Jesus Christ name amen

14: Any man or woman that mentioned my name to any occult kingdom, or take my name to any native doctor in order to fight against my life and my business, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

15: Oh lord my God, intervene on my case and bless me

16: Every alter rising against my life and my business, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

17: Oh lord my God, any strong man or woman in my life, in my family, and in my business that possesses anything in my life ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

18: Oh lord my God, any man or woman that seat on my seat, today I unseat u in Jesus Christ amen

19: every evil manipulations, manipulating my life and my business ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name Amen.

20: every spirit of eating in dreams and every spirit of fornicating in my dreams, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

21: O lord my father, every spirit of limitation in my life and every spirit of rising and falling in my life and in my business, ur time is up. Loose ur hold and be destroy in Jesus Christ name amen.

22: Every evil catering, assigned against me. Catch fire and die in Jesus Christ name amen.

23: Any alter from my mothers house or from my fathers house or from my in laws house that is bringing disfavor, rising and falling in my life and business, let that alter and the chief priest catch fire in Jesus name Amen.

24: Every evil gang up against my destiny and my family, ur time is up, catch fire and scattered in Jesus mighty name I prayed Amen.

In conclusion, I will say that. I do understand that in the western world, it might not be obtainable because they have found favor in the eyes of the Almighty God. But they still have their own problems which is not fighting witches and wizards, but the spirit of terrorism and gun violence. My brothers and sisters, believe me. You need God and his mercyto be able to excel. If you have decided to start this prayer, please take it serious and try to keep records of all the dreams you will be having within this periods because God is going to reveal a lot of things to you in dreams. Try to wake up everyday as from 12:30 in the middle of the night to start the prayer. First few days will be difficult but after you will be used to it. Begin with praises and worship songs. Thank you for starting these prayer and I pray that God will show you mercy and set you free.

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