
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Misconception of "AKATA" By Our American Brothers, “Matter's Arising”.

   I have watched a video broadcast by one of our African-American brother, from another mother on American Diaspora platforms and he was complaining about Nigerians using the words “AKATA” to refer to them. They are angry because it is a derogatory words that remind them of their past.

  Our elders says that an elder should not be around while a goat gives birth with a rope on its necks. As we do not have any progressive minded elders anymore, who will issue a statement on behalf of us on this burning issues, due to they are busy looting the money meant for the development. Anything that does not give them access to looting, is off no interest to them. So far so good, let me act as a progressive elder to remove the rope on a goat on a labour before it gives birth. By apologizing and also intervening on this derogatory matter before it turned out to something bad or turns out to a xenophobic attacks on Nigerians living in the USA.

  You have made mention of Nigerians not taking responsibility of the Slaves trades crimes, despite being involved. My brothers from another mother in America, we have not apologised on the issue of the slave trade yet because Nigeria is a concentration of the highest selfish, self centred black idiots with misplaced priorities. Who lives a life of hope and prayers, that is why nothing is working in this part of the world, despite being the highest concentration of religious people, who goes to church in the morning, and commits atrocities in the night. 

  It's funny that our stupid forefathers had sold our brothers because of mirror and whiskies. Under Biafra, we will do the needful but the problem is that, Biafra is not something that is coming soon until a natural occurrences happens before we will have Biafra. Right now, those championing the course were looking for Guinness world record with the bloods of our Youths in the name of fruitless and misplaced agitation.

  Pardon our manners because many of us from this part of this world have from one way or the other used the word “AKATA” to describe mainly the Nigerian American base, not the African-American. Well, I believe that many are using that to describe a particular Nigerian travellers and it was not intended on a derogatory but as a way to make jokes with them. The truth is that, in our societies, people uses different words to describe some people. For examples, we use Oyibo to describe the white people. We also called Nigerians living in America “AKATA and Amy guys” and so on.

  In fact, to the best of my knowledge, not everybody knows the history of the Slave-trades because of a routine educational system. The truths remains that, majority of our males students pays the lecturers to graduate while the females ones, sleeps with the lectures to graduate. So how will they study or lean anything useful. The educational systems was designed in a such a way that people do not have information after graduation.

  The origin of the words “AKATA” to the best of my knowledge, started when we first had an encounter with the Nigerian who had travelled to American and stayed many years without coming back home. And when they had finally returned, the types of characters most of them had displayed then, was strange to the locals. Which had made the villagers started calling them “AKATA”.

  For example, most of the people came back with their hair plated or fried. And some of them started acting strange and being arrogant with certain intonations. Thanks be to God that majority of them have changed. Now the word has been spoken out loud, I hope and believe it will get to the ears of our people that the words AKATA means different thing to your people. Once again, I do apologize on behalf of our people including me because I have used that words very often just to make jokes with nothing serious about it.   

The views expressed on this article are solely the authors opinion and I take the responsibility of what I have said here and it might differ with your own views, which is understandable.

Written by,
P. O. Iwuama, ( Bc, MA)

Twitter: @kas_cafe

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Our elders says that it is only a fool, who does not know that his sister is a stranger in the house. If you all will recall that I said on one of my article entitled, “Biafra without War? Here is the links I did argued that the possibility of us getting Biafra without war, is only 30 percent. And the recently concluded UN 74th general assembly, have proved me right. I love and respect Nnamdi Kanu. I have no conflict of interest with him or his agitation, because I'm still a member of IPOB. Even though, I'm no more an active member based on these points that I will raise on this article, because I'm a realists and I would like a realists approach to free my people.

    First, Nnamdi Kanu is applying the same methods the Western world, Pastors, and politician in Nigeria are using to keep their followers motivated without having a single solutions to their problems. Don't get me twisted, these tricks that Nnamdi Kanu is using and the cover up moves with lies, if he refused to change, it will destroy his good intentions towards actualizing Biafra. I want him to prove me wrong because what I’m seeing in the future is exactly the same thing that happened to Moses in the Bible, when he went to the mountains to get the Ten Commandments, and he delayed. By the time he returns, the people of Israel had abandoned him and started worshipping another gods. 

  Nnamdi Kanu seems to be applying the same methods that the western world are using to milk Africa in the name of helping Africa, while actually, they are hustling in Africa. People do not know that Aid policy of the Western countries towards the third worlds countries are part of their way of hustling. The biggest fraud in this world is not “419 or wire fraud” but Aid policy and NGO's. 80% of NGO's are scammers because they hide in the name of helping the third world countries, while in reality, they are exploiting them. He Nnamdi Kanu, claims that he is fighting for the interest of the Biafra, but he was reluctant when the issue of Xenophobia in South Africa started. Without him and IPOB, sending flight to evacuate our people. Despite making a huge amount of money from inventories, donations, levies, ads from Radio Biafra and other social media. It was only Onyema, the CEO of Air-peace that evacuated our people from South Africa. This shows how mentally handicapped majority of his followers can be.

  People have forgotten how Nnamdi Kanu uses tricks and brainwashing to keep his industry going and also to get to fame. I do not have any problem with his popularity, all I want him to do is focus and know what he want because to me, it seems like he is a confused person because of the sudden “Popularity or fame” he has gotten. He was part of MASSOB, led by UWAZURIKE. He decamped and formed IPOB, with the slogan “BIAFRA or DEATH or SOMALIA WILL BE BETTER THAN NIGERIA”. He understands that the IGBOs are looking for freedom and have lost hope in Nigeria, MASSOB and other organizations before him. He presented himself as a saints by going to prison without taking Nigeria bribes offers. While actually, NNAMDI KANU is hustling with Biafra Agitation, without a single solution to the problem. He is making more legitimate money now than taking any bribes from the Nigeria government, that is smartness.

  Dim-Ojukwu was the only person, genuinely fought for the freedom of Biafra. That was why when all peace talk had broken, he went to war with the Nigeria government. It does not matter to me, if he was defeated or not. Any other persons pretending to be fighting for the freedom of Biafra at the moment, is using Biafra agitation to enrich him/herself. The person who will get Biafra for us, will come with Guns and Bombs not mic. There are different types of hustling, we have Prophecy, activists and Aid hustling and they are the major ways people uses to hustle and enrich themselves this days. 

  For example, Tithes, fake miracles and prophecy hustling in the Churches are the means pastors uses to keep their members coming to Church. If a pastor did not tell you that your uncle, or your village people is after you, you will be less interested to attend his Church. One can pretend to be doing good or to be fighting for the people while he or she is hustling for his pocket. Nnamdi Kanu was able to blackmail Nigeria into submission, but messed up everything when he appeared in Jerusalem Wall and decided to be talking about Buhari is dead, Buhari is this, Dave and Ipkazi is this and that and the election boycott. Is Buhari the issues at hand or Biafra freedom? For that single act, it shows that he is using Biafra agitations to enrich himself. If he had a plan, he wouldn't have showed up in Israel, he would have showed up prepared for action. People wants to see action not this same story talks everyday. Hand over the leadership of IPOB to me, with the resources at your disposal, within one year.  If I did not get Biafra, 50 Million people including me will perish to get Biafra. You have turned an army of lions to an army of sheep because you are pursuing a Noble peace price with the blood of Biafra youths. Now South African police have started shooting IPOB members.

   My question is very simple, what are the 3 main problem IGBOs are facing in Nigeria? Let me break it down here: 

1: An Economic Blockage in the Eastern Region. 
Since the agitation, what is the economic impact of this agitation? Has this agitation, removed hundreds of the road blocks in the Eastern region or opened up the seaport or a functioning international airport in the Eastern region? The North have a dry-port which means they would have have a sea port if there is sea in their region. The answer to the best of knowledge is zero. Road blocks is a way the North are using to exploit the Eastern region. Goods are very expensive in the Eastern part of the country because when you have cleared your goods from the Lagos port, after going through the stress and high cost of clearing it in Lagos, you then will face transportation and road blocks exploitation on the road to the East. By the time the goods have arrived in the Eastern part, it has become more expensive because importers must include the money the customs, police and the military have collected from them on the road. The funny part of it is that some goods are inter-state banned. For example, buying rice and other goods from Lagos and sending them to the Eastern part is banned. Customs will seize them if they have found it in a large quantity.

2: Unfair Distribution of Country's Wealth 
Since the agitation, what is the impact of this agitation on the  issue of Unfair Distribution of Country's Wealth? Has this agitation opened up the argument of creating an additional state in the Eastern region to make the states equal? People do not know that the reason the North has more local government and states was for the purpose of distribution of the country's wealth, giving them more allocations than others. 

3: Unfair Distribution of Political post/ Representation 
Since the agitation, what is the impact of this agitation to the issue of Unfair Distribution of Political post/ Representation? Has this agitation, correct the way political post is being shared in Nigeria? In every major top post, the Northerners are the head. How did they do it? First by manipulation the educational system in a way that to get admission into the University, you need some percentage of cut-off marks in Jamb. And someone from the North can gain admission into the federal University with a cut-off marks of between a minimum of 2 to 62 maximum. While his or her counterparts from the East, Western region needs a minimum of 130. Which gives them the advantage to finish school before their counterpart from the other region, because by the time people from the other region will be able to pass with the high cut-off marks, he or she has finished University and will be ahead of them. 

  On Thursday the 16th of February 2018, Nnamdi Kanu lifted the election boycott with the lies of our demand has been met. Up till now, he could not give an account of what was the demand and what was met. The money spent and the life lost during the election boycott campaign was a total wast. On the 7th of March, 2019, Nnamdi Kanu announces a meeting with some MEP at the European parliament in Brussel Belgium. Their was no video evidence of the meeting or a speech to back it up. On the 10th of September 2019, Nnamdi Kanu announces another meeting to address few MEP at EU parliament building in Brussel. Their was no video evidence of the meeting or a speech to back it up. On the 15th of September 2019, Nnamdi Kanu announces another meeting to address some UN officials in Geneva, Switzerland. Their was no video evidence of the meeting or a speech to back it up. 

  Why all this secrecy and noise? If you wanted to keep it secret, why announcing it then? People do not know that any individual, can attend the EU parliaments meetings, ICC or the UN general Assembles meetings without being a delegates or a high rank individual. As long as you have passed the security checks, You will be allowed to seat at the visitors gallery. It seems to me I might be wrong or right that when Nnamdi Kanu have noticed that the spirit of his followers are down, he will announce some meetings to boast their spirit. UN 74th general assemble has just been concluded, none of the world leaders did mention the issue of Biafra or the killing of IPOB member. Below are the following speeches, some of the world leaders made during the UN 74th General Assembles.  

1: The US President Trump:
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of Hong Kong, Iran, Israel anti Semitic, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and LGBT issues Without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

2: Turkish President
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of Kashmir, Palestinian, Rohingya, Myanmar, Afghanistan people and why the big 5 dominate the world, without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

3: Israeli Prime Minister: 
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of Israel air lifting of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel, Without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members. Despite Nnamdi Kanu claiming that Biafra are Jews. While Israel prime minister has chosen the main Jews people. I do understand that the reason Israeli prime minister refused to talk about Biafra is because of the Israeli /Palestinian crisis.

4: German foreign Affairs:
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, their interest/fear was focused on the issues of people dying in Syria, Mali, Ukraine, Middle East , Yemen , Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan, Libya and the oil attack in Saudi Arabia. Without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.. Despite IPOB claiming good ties and relocating of their headquarters to Germany.

5: Russian foreign Affairs: 
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of the West trying to reclaim their lost position in the world and also keeping colonies without decolonization. While thanking the UN for averting the world war 3. He talks about the crisis in the Middle East and how the USA is sabotaging the peace. He talks about the two states solutions, the Jerusalem and Golan height, Palestine, NATO bombing of Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Bosnia, Venezuela, Cuba and Yemen, without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

6: Chinese foreign Affairs: 
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of countries should respect others sovereignty and the rich countries should help the poor countries. He mentioned the crisis in Palestine, Afghanistan, North Korea, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Pakistan, India, Congo on a Ebola. Without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

7: French President
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of Iran nuclear issue, Saudi Arabia attack. Yemen, Maritime navigation, Syria, Libya, Sahel region. Sudan, Ukraine, and the New-Zealand attacks, without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

8: Spanish Prime minister
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of the Amazon fires and the suffering the people are going through there. The Mediterranean migration crisis and climate change crisis. He talks about Syria, Israeli and Palestine issue. Iranian nuclear issues, Venezuela, and the Br-exit Without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members. 

9: Japanese Prime minister
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of the North Korea, attack on Saudi Arabia and Iran, without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

10: UN Secretary General
At the UN 74th general meeting speech, his interest/fear was focused on the issues of Ebola survivors, Congo and Madagascar, Greece and Macedonia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Israel and the Palestine, Venezuela, Arm conflicts in the Golf region, Saudi Arabia attacks, North Korea, and the Bahamas crisis, without mentioning the issue of Biafra and the killing of IPOB members.

  I want to ask Nnamdi Kanu one question, have you ever asked yourself why no one talks about Biafra crisis and IPOB killings? Maybe, the answer you often get is an answer of a person who is hustling with Biafra agitation. Let me give you a correct answer based on the fact or based on a realist assumptions. Actor act based on interest and not based on an emotional sentiment. None of this people you have been claiming to have had meetings with their representative talks about Biafra because their interest is being protected under the Nigeria system. 

  Do you think they will risk their interest because you are on twitter or Facebook ranting. Ojukwu lost the war because of wrong timing. He started the war when the West were afraid of losing their colonies and to stop the secession escalation in the African region, there was the need to stop Biafra by all means. You have lost the opportunity of getting Biafra because your interest from the beginning was not for the Freedom of the people, rather it was to use the agitation to hustle like the Western world are using Aid to hustle in Africa. 

  If indeed, you are genuinely fighting for Biafra freedom, why didn't you and your IPOB group accept restructuring when you were offered that. My brother, if you know that you are not ready for War or secession, why didn't you campaign for restructuring or accept it when you and your group were offered one by the Nigerian government? The answer is very simple, you refused to accept restructuring because you know that with restructuring, you will lose the fame, the control and the wealth that comes with your agitation. No one will be paying you and your cronies the monthly levy some bunch of people are paying, had it been that you and your organization had accepted the government restructuring offers.  

  Let me tell you about leadership because leadership is influence. And the question is not “The What or How EFFECTS”. We all know that leaders influences people but the how effects is the problematic question? How do you influence people by your leadership? You used lies and threats, slogan and going to prison to get people to believe in your agitation and to follow you. To influence your followers, you need to display integrity. Doing what is right, no matter the consequences. You started well, but right now, you are being boss to your followers. Listen to your followers and know what they want or their expectations from you, that is more important than this your cover-up lies and travels. Listening does not mean hearing what they are saying but doing what they want. The reason many leaders fail is because they only hear what the people are saying, but never want to listen to what the people are saying, due to, they don't have an understanding heart. Nnamdi Kanu, Please try to know what people are saying about you within your environment. Forget those bunch of people close to you that are praising you, they are doing that because they are praising you for survival.

  If you are a leader, and you are not able to protect your followers during trouble, you have failed the people. People will respect and die for you if you are in a position to rescue them when they are in trouble. Right now, you are unable to protect your followers, despite promising them that you have what it takes to do so. That was why these boys went out to face Nigeria military, hoping there will be a back up from you. Without knowing that you have only mic while claiming that you have guns and bombs. Bear this in mind, a leader who pretend to be fighting for his people, while in reality, he or she is fighting for his or her pocket, is a leader without integrity. He is a bad leader because at the end, he is creating what we called “FLU EFFECTS”.

  Flu effects means that that leader does not have faith in people, and does not listen to the people and above all, does not have an understanding heart. He will end up creating more trouble for the people. And that is what the Igbo's are facing with the Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB agitations because since the agitations, instead of things to change for good, things are getting worst within the region. Sorry to say this if it offend you, I do not see any different between you and Uwazuruike. The difference is that one is smarter than the others. 

The views expressed on this article are solely the authors opinion and I take the responsibility of what I have said here and it might differ with your own views, which is understandable.

Written by,
P. O. Iwuama, ( Bc, MA)
Twitter: @kas_cafe