
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blacks Destroying The American dreams.

America was build under the influence of God, the only country that writes on their money " In God we trust " now turning itself to " in illuminati we trust". Why because they mistakenly elected a black man as their president.

Why blacks are often allow themselves to be used? I can't get it, why during the period of all the past white president that America has produced, non of them supported or the supreme court under their regimes supported the legalization of the Same-sex marriage ? But the moment Obama took over as president, everything was turned upside down? What is this madness about Same-sex marriage is all about? How can we be celebrating evil in our society and called it a civilization or a freedom?

Imagine the report I got says that " In a 5-4 ruling, the apex court stated that the Constitution required all the 50 states to carry out and recognize marriages between people of the same sex". How can John G. Roberts, Jr. Approved this judgement? And President Obama welcomed the verdict and described it " a victory for America" What makes it to be a victory for America? What is this world turning into?

Over civilization somethings turned to madness. I have been out of social media for a very long time because of the trauma or shock that the death of my lovely mother caused me but this Same-sex marriage of a thing? I cannot keep quit and watch America going down the drain. Though my voice means nothing but at least God knows that I didn't support evil.

I ask President Obama again is this the American Dream of General George Washington? Do you think wherever he is, he will be happy seeing the country he went to war during the " Revolutionary war" to librate from the British rule is turning itself to a joke because they mistakenly elected a son of a slave as their president? The freedom in the " Bill of Right " was not for Same-sex marriage but rather a right for freedom of religion, freedom of speech and other freedoms. Was the Bill of right a mistake ?

The aims of the so called present civil right organization is not the same aim of " Bayard Rustin, Andrew Young, William Ryan, James Farmer and John Lewis in the civil right movement of 1954-68. These men fought for the legalization of interracial marriages which produced you Obama. If not where will the poor Kenyan man going to meet Obamas mother.

Oh I'm wiping for American because the right they gave to the blacks or the blood they have shed in the past is now hunting them. That is the reason why our noble elders says " The evil that man does lives after him". Over civilization is hunting after United States of America. And if care is not taken, what happened to " sodom and Gomorrah" will happen to them.

USA is going down the drain but they thought they are being more civilized. How can a man want to marry a man and a woman want to marry a woman? God defined a union as man and woman that was why after he created Adam, he found out that Adam was lonely and he made Eve from Adam. How can one says that he or she does not want to reproduce and still dreaming of adopting a child? I think the people practicing homosexuality and lesbianism are possessed. They need deliverance because they do not know what they are doing. If tomorrow American blacks are not allow to occupy some high positions like president and others, let them not accuse the white as being racial because the only apportunity they got, they mismanaged it and also disappointed the whole world.