is an epidemic that is eating deep into the life’s of millions of
people around the globe. Sometimes it is worth committing, sometimes
it does not worth committing. But what ever crime one want to commit
make sure your hands did not test human blood.
This epidemic called
crime has been a big consign to the Nigerian government and the whole
world. And their main motives is how to stop people from committing
a crime, which is impossible. They have engaged themselves in one way
or the other trying to stop people from committing a crime. Without proving jobs for these people. But what
they do not know is that no matter the technologies that they might have produced , non of them is the solution to stop a crime because the Government authorities are not fighting crime from the root. Rather
they are chasing the shadow of crime.
For example, in Nigeria, how
can the government authorities are claiming that they want to stop
crime in a country of 160 million people without a National identity
card. And out of this 160 million people, about 112 million people
according to 2012 statistics are living below poverty. these groups of
people do not have access to good education, drinking water, even to
afford 3 times meals a day is a big problem. Don't they know that an
idle mind is a devils workshop. Do you think that there is any thing
that you will say or do to them for them not to think of committing
a crime no, surely they must commit a crime because they need to
Even if the government like, let them bring all the new
technologies in the world, non of these technologies can be able to
stop people from committing a crime because there is inequality in the country. And
even if there is equality you can not still stop people from
committing a crime because some people are greedy. And the greedy and
the stronger people will like to take the weaker one's properties.
Wait a minutes, how did Nigerian government came across with these figures that Nigeria is 160 million? Is it from the last census? Or how? This
figure is not correct because we do not have a computerized National
Identity card or data to justify these figures. Nigeria might not be up
to 160 million or might be more than 160 million. But because of the
Northern Nigerian criminal intention, they would not like Nigerian
government to have a National identity card because they want to
continue collecting the bigger allocation from the federal account as
based on their populations.
So all I'm trying to say here is that no
matter what technology u create, you can not control or stop crime without proving jobs for the people.
You can only minimize crimes to an extend. Even in Europe the
Government want to stop drug business. How can you stop it when in
your system, you made it mandatory that if an immigrant do not have
a working permit, he or she will not get these blue collar job you often offer to them? The next option for the person is
to engage him or her self in a drug business to live and pay for his or
her bills.
Don't ask me why are they leaving their Country to Europe,
because during the 1930's depression, Europeans migrated to South
Africa, Australia and Caribbeans. So this period is the African
depression caused by corrupted leaders with the support of the invisible hands from the western world. So they need to migrate to Europe to survive the hardship. If the western world
want to minimize people from engaging themselves in a drug business,
first thing to do is to remove the idea of having a working permit
before one could get a job and give jobs to those who are willing to do it. Then many immigrants will never
enter into drug business when they come to Europe.